This is a selection of digital assets I have created for Motherly. It includes collateral such as email assets and gifs. A demonstration of my workflow and how I create templates is also provided. 

While working for Motherly, I created social media assets, email designs, and gifs.

Projects were managed in Asana, with communication taking place in Slack or over Zoom calls. All deliverables were submitted via Google Drive, in specified folders with various sized exports and original files. Projects include- 

  • Assets for email campaigns, collaborating with partners such as Buy Buy Baby

  • Gifs for social media campaigns such as TSOM (The State Of Motherhood)

  • Ads to be used in campaigns for various partners such as Studio Cue.

  • Photography selection for articles was also involved, as there were weekly collection goals to be made. Here are some examples of what was created.

  • Gifs were created to reflect a survey of Motherly’s audience, and the results were posted as a social media series called State of Motherhood. Routine email blasts called ‘Motherly Minute” (featuring articles and informing prospects on classes offered) were also supported by animations I created.

  • They are on brand, and created using Motherly approved fonts, colors, and provided illustrations. Animations used for posts reached at least 11.4k, and up to 17k and 28k on higher engagement posts.

This is a selection of email blocks that were made to promote our partnership with Buy Buy Baby. I decided to create a template that would streamline workflow, and keep all emails in one file for easy exporting and reference. I hoped this would also be an asset to the team for collaboration.

  • Designs were created section by section, each within a named artboard.

  • Images were linked to help prevent the file from becoming too large over time.

  • Each artboard contains numbered layer groups, which can be hidden or revealed quickly by toggling layer visibility.